Elementary Computer Science

Coding + Math provides a research-based examination of computer science learning through both visual and text-based programming platforms. It provides a basic foundation of some core programming principles and concepts, followed by demonstrations of lessons that put these concepts to practical use. Unfortunately, much of what passes for "computer science" instruction for elementary students today resembles games and modes of self-expression, rather than fundamental foundation for real-world computer programming. Our approach demonstrates that "real programming" can be fun and engaging too, while providing the foundation needed for further study as students progress through the K-12 continuum. The book can be purchased on the ISTE site or on Amazon.
Installing Visual Studio
To perform the exercises on this site, you'll need to download the free Community version of Microsoft Visual Studio available at: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/ If you need instructions on the download process, you will find a YouTube instructional video embedded below. Be sure to include ".NET desktop development" and ".NET Core cross-platform development", along with any other components that you may have a future interest in learning about.
Getting Started
The video below provides a "get acquainted" exercise similar to the first sample exercise you will encounter in the book. We recommend its viewing to any person who will serve as an instructor using the book with their student(s).